Sunday, March 1, 2009

Not convinced about the Snuggie

Here I thought the Snuggie was a phenomenon restricted to the internet and friends of mine with vaguely snuggly names - like Panda and Warm Fuzzy - when really it was taking over the world. Imagine my surprise this evening when it transpired that the Snuggie had achieved the glory of a New York Times article.

That fame aside - and who doesn't want to follow the NYT - I'm still not sold. I can't say that I have ever wanted a blanket with sleeves, and if I did, I would wear a housecoat. A fuzzy, warm housecoat that wraps all the way around my, comes to my ankles, is made of flannel or fleece, and has both sleeves and pockets. Admittedly, I would find it tricky to wear to a sporting event, but I like to rock those with my coat/blanket combo, which gives the best of both worlds.

So though some of you may sing the praises of this new technology, I'm going to stick with my trusty flannel housecoat.


Scarlet Panda said...

My snuggie has pockets--you have to spring for the deluxe version.

Amanda G. said...

you are a fool!

Beth said...

I am not a fool; I'm a tradtionalist.

Beth said...

or even a traditionalist . . .

Nell said...

I am totally with you. I don't get the snuggie thing either. Add slippers to the blanket/house coat combo, and I'm in hog heaven. Who the heck needs a blanket with sleeves?!? Its just silly. Its a manufactured need, like bottled water.

Anonymous said...

i love my Snuggie... it gives me an excuse to dress like a pink Jedi