Monday, August 4, 2008

Ick. Hot. Fingers Melty.

Did you know that it's possible to become one with your clothing? I am going to go get ready for bed in a few minutes, and here's to hoping that I haven't actually grafted me shirt onto my back.

It was (according to NPR, fount of all wisdom) 105 degrees today with a heat index of 115-120. (You can't do all caps with numbers, but if I could, I would). I think I'm going to go live in my refrigerator.

I called my mother in Washington today and said "tell me about your weather." She wanted to know why, and I told her that I wanted to fantasize about it. I called my mother for WEATHER PORN. It is time to get out more. Or actually, come to think of it, stay in more so that the heat doesn't get to me. Bless my air-conditioned cave of a house. I'll be in the basement if anyone wants me.

If anyone's weather is better, tell me so I can imagine it.


heumann said...

It's nice and cool here in Melbourne in "winter."

Notice I didn't say "cold." It doesn't seem to get cold here. Of course, it gets hotter than hades in the summer.

Beth said...

Please -- tell me more! Can you wear . . . sweaters?

Nell said...

75 and cloudy in Portland.