Sunday, August 31, 2008

I'm not stupid, Mr. McCain

I just wanted to get that out there. I know I'm a woman, and maybe a little slow, but it seems to me that I am capable of saying to myself "She doesn't have dangly bits, but she still DIFFERS FROM ME ON EVERY MAJOR POLICY ISSUE AND IS APPARENTLY AGAINST POLAR BEARS so I won't vote for her."

I think I can do that.

Also, I'm tired of hearing people say that she and Obama have the same weaknesses so we have to talk about the issues. Lack of experience? Well, Obama has been representing a bunch more people for quite a bit longer than her. That counts. Executive experience? I think that the Obama campaign organization might actually be bigger than Alaska. Just sayin'.

And if Obama (who is in EXCELLENT health) dies, we'll have Biden. If McCain (who isn't) dies, we'll have Palin. Who may be a very nice woman and I will admit that she seems to say what she means and mean what she says . . . BUT she's too far to the right for me. So though she shares the same chromosomal pairing as me, I have to decline to vote for her.


Ann said...

But she was well counter programmed (son going to Iraq to counter Biden's son going to Iraq, child with down's syndrome to counter Biden's child who died in a car accident) until the whole pregnant, teenage daughter thing came out.

Though I agree with your being offended because of the notion that you will now vote for McCain just because he picked a woman. When I voted in the primary, I chose Obama over Clinton because I agreed with more of his positions, not because of his genetic code, so I don't see why I wouldn't do the same thing in November. But apparently America is still that sexist because we, as a nation, think that that is how women make the decision as to who should receive their votes in an election.

Nell said...

I think the most offensive part is that she was picked because she's a woman. If everything else was kept the same and she was a man, she would not be the candidate right now. Talk about sexism. A woman should be voted to the White House because she deserves it and is qualified for the job (like Hillary Clinton). No favors please, Mr. McCain. Alaska can keep Palin as far as I'm concerned.